Text of Presentation

  • Slides should have short titles. A long title shows something is wrong.
  • Use uniform capitalization rules.
  • All the text on one slide should have the same structure (e.g. complete phrases, idea only, etc.).
  • Put very little text on a slide; avoid text completely if you can. Put no more than one idea per slide (i.e. all bullets should refer to the same thing). If you have lots of text, people will read it faster than you present, and will not pay attention to what you say.
  • Don't use small fonts.
  • Use very few formulas (one per presentation). The same goes for program code (at most one code fragment per presentation).
  • Do not put useless graphics on each slide: logos, grids, affiliations, etc.
  • Spell-check. A spelling mistake is an attention magnet.


  • Don't put useless information in result graphs (e.g. the 100% bar for each application).
  • Label very clearly the axes of the graphs. Explain the un-obvious ones.
  • Discuss the results numbers in detail; "milk" them as much as possible.

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