Resume Writing - Appearance, length and style

Appearance Counts

Because your resume is your sales pitch, try to make it as professional looking and clean as possible. Always, avoid cutesy stuff. That means, no dogs and cats, no slogans, no political axes that you need to grind. Professional means White Bond Paper, Size: 8 ½ x 11. Use a professional font such as Times New Roman. You can use Bold and Italics.


Your aim should not be to write a mini-book about yourself. Keep it short and sweet.

For most jobs, a two-page resume is enough. You'll see that when you summarize your work history, experience, and education, you will also learn how to focus on your strengths, skills, and capabilities - your most effective sales tools.


Writing a resume is not a matter of format; it involves organization and emphasis of your skills and abilities so that they match an employer's expectations and needs.

Don't be surprised if you end up writing and rewriting your resume. It's an ongoing process, and you'll be tinkering with it all the time as you think and rethink, critique what you've put down, get feedback from family and friends, and proofread your final draft.

The need for careful proofreading cannot be overstated. Do it over and over. You'll be surprised how many spelling errors get by. A spelling mistake is a sure sign of your carelessness.

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