If you are in college now, you will most likely want to place this section immediately after the OBJECTIVE statement. An exception to this is the student who has significant experience that is applicable to a career. After you have post-bachelor's degree experience in your field, your work experience will be placed after the OBJECTIVE.
Also, you should generally include only those schools from which you have received a degree. There are exceptions to this rule, like a school at which you were particularly active and involved. List your highest degree first.
Finally, if you are a traditional freshman or sophomore, you can include your high school information. If you are a junior or senior, you will typically leave it out because employers are interested in your recent history.
Basic information to include:
A recommended format:
Bachelor of Arts, May 2003
Major: English
Minor: Marketing
GPA: 3.12/4.00
As you can see, the use of bold lettering and CAPITAL LETTERS makes the information much easier to read. Also, starting all useful information from the left side of the page is helpful.